Rape Solicitor Lincoln

Allegations of a sexual nature can have a devastating impact on your personal life whether you are guilty or innocent.
Our experienced Lincoln rape solicitors appreciate this and will strive to deal with your case as discretely and sensitively as possible. 
We will act in the strictest of confidence and ensure that we tenaciously fight your corner right from the start. Whatever your position, we will take the time to listen to the details of your case and represent you to the best of our ability. 
If you have been accused of rape, it can be daunting especially if you feel like no one is on your side. We can support you from both the initial stages, such as being charged at the police station right, through to trial if the case is taken to court. 
Our experienced solicitors have dealt with a variety of complex cases involving sexual offences including rape, sexual assault, offences against children and the possession and distribution of indecent images.
We can also help in dealing with publicity surrounding sexual offences. We understand that these types of allegations sometimes attract attention and we will ensure that we do not discuss any aspect of your case with any other party without your consent. 
To discuss your situation in complete confidence please speak to our Lincoln rape solicitors today by calling our team on 0115 941 9141 or completing the form to the right and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

The Johnson Partnership

Rape Solicitors Lincoln

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A difficult subject for all. You may have been accused of a motoring crime or a more serious matter such as burglary or assault.


You are entitled to and can expect expert legal support on a confidential basis.


Please call today to discuss your legal needs and the availability of legal aid.



Cannon Courtyard,
Long Row,

01159 419141
North Notts Business Centre,
32-34 Rosemary St,
NG18 1QL

01623 427575