Nottingham & Mansfield Prison Law Solicitors

We are not just crime solicitors. 


As the largest criminal law firm in England and Wales, we are the countrywide experts in prison law.


If you have found yourself in this difficult position, our Nottingham based solicitors are armed with a wealth of experience from parole to liaising with probation officers or securing you early release.


Whatever the background of your case is, we want to act on your behalf and will work with you to create a plan of action.


Our prison lawyers work in the following areas;




 Licence Recall

 Home Detention Curfew (HDC


 Early Release

 Discretionary Lifer Panel


Our criminal lawyers have an in-depth knowledge of prison law, we will liaise with prison staff and probation officers and provide support with housing services.


For advice you can speak to one of our Nottingham and Mansfield prison law solicitors in confidence on 0845 603 0708 or get in touch using the form to the right.


Our lawyers are here for you.



The Johnson Partnership

National Prison Law Solicitors

Mansfield, Nottingham & National

Get in touch with your query or requirements
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Mansfield Court Solicitors
Mansfield Fraud Solicitors
Nottingham Misconduct Solicitors
Hucknall Fraud Solicitors
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Nottingham Solicitors

A difficult subject for all. You may have been accused of a motoring crime or a more serious matter such as burglary or assault.


You are entitled to and can expect expert legal support on a confidential basis.


Please call today to discuss your legal needs and the availability of legal aid.



Cannon Courtyard,
Long Row,

01159 419141
North Notts Business Centre,
32-34 Rosemary St,
NG18 1QL

01623 427575