Nottingham Burglary Solicitors

Our Mansfield and Nottingham solicitors are experts in serious criminal cases such as burglary and theft and offer a round the clock service throughout Nottinghamshire.


Aggravated burglary is a more serious crime as it involves violence. If you have been arrested you will need the support of our dedicated lawyers prior to being interviewed by the police.


Theft is usually defined as taking property from another person or people with the intention of permanently depriving them of it.  If you are facing allegations of theft, burglary and trespass, our Nottingham legal team will represent you.


We can help you with offences including;



 Aggravated Burglary


 Breaking and Entering

 Handling Stolen Goods

 Taking without Owners Consent


If you have been arrested and need a lawyer urgently please call us on Nottingham 0845 603 0708 in order to speak to a duty solicitor.



The Johnson Partnership

Burglary Solicitors

Mansfield & Nottingham 

Get in touch with your query or requirements
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Worksop Criminal Solicitors
Mansfield Criminal Solicitors
Unsplash Courts
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Nottingham Solicitors

A difficult subject for all. You may have been accused of a motoring crime or a more serious matter such as burglary or assault.


You are entitled to and can expect expert legal support on a confidential basis.


Please call today to discuss your legal needs and the availability of legal aid.



Cannon Courtyard,
Long Row,

01159 419141
North Notts Business Centre,
32-34 Rosemary St,
NG18 1QL

01623 427575