Derbyshire Motoring Solicitors

From our Derby and Chesterfield offices our solicitors are highly experienced in dealing with all traffic related offences. The Johnson Partnership is committed to keeping motorists on the road wherever they live in England and Wales.


Our friendly, dedicated legal team understand how important a driving licence is to our clients and that losing your mobile independence has huge implications. Our motoring lawyers aim to avoid our clients being slammed with a driving ban and work hard on your behalf to persuade the courts a ban will create extreme hardship for you.


We're not trying to create loopholes in the law here but we do want to defend your legal position and minimise penalty points where possible. 


Since penalty charges were introduced in 1994 for parking and obstruction, these had risen by the year 2000 and by that time were responsible for 50% of all motoring offences.  Figures show that 20% of these charges led to court proceedings.


Our motoring experts will act for you in the following;


 Road Traffic Law
 Driving Bans
 Driving Licence Points
 Penalty Notices

 Speeding Offences

 Drink Driving


If you have been charged with a motoring offence and need advice from our Derby team, call us on 01332 370473 or complete the form and we'll contact you.



The Johnson Partnership

Derbyshire & Chesterfield Motoring Solicitors

Get in touch with your query or requirements
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Loughborough Speeding Solicitors
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Chesterfield Motoring Solicitors
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Derby Crime Solicitors

You may have been charged with a criminal offence. We can and will help.


From misdemeanors to more serious matters you'll find a voice at the end of the phone (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) who can provide the in depth knowledge you'll need.


Covering Chesterfield, Derby and Derbyshire. 

Suite 1,
42 Friar Gate,

01332 370473
3 Burlington House,
19 Burlington St,
S40 1RX

01246 520930