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Woman hit with 18,500 pound parking fine

A driver has received a bill for £18,500 after she spent a year ignoring parking fines stuck to her windscreen.


Carly Mackie has been parking outside her garage in Dundee for over a year and has ignored the fixed penalty notices she has received on an almost daily basis, believing she was entitled to park there.


However, the private parking firm responsible has now written to the 26-year-old demanding she pay £18,500 to cover the cost of the dozens of parking tickets.


The firm said Miss Mackie had not challenged a single ticket, and she was not entitled to leave her car there because motorists are not allowed to park in covered passageways, and also must display a permit in parked cars at all times.


Miss Mackie said "I always make a point of parking in front of my own garage, where nobody else could park, and never parking on the double yellow lines on the road."


But Vehicle Control Services Limited, which sent the letter demanding payment, said "The site in question is covered by a contract that restricts use of the rear car park to permit holders only and prohibits motorists from parking in the covered vehicle access passage ways. The terms and conditions are clearly displayed on prominent signs around the site."


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