Fears that prisoners are living in a 'technological dark age' have prompted the Chief Inspector of Prisons, Nick Hardwick to call for them to 'go online'.
The controversy was sparked as Mr Hardwick argued that the move would help to reduce re-offending and encourage reintegration into society.
Critics have blasted the move as 'barmy' according to a Daily Mail report saying that access to the internet could encourage the taunting of victims on social media, planning of crimes drug deals and even logging on to extremist websites.
Speaking at London conference where the topic was 'Modernising Justice', Mr Hardwick announced, "I don't think we can go on with prisons in a pre-internet dark age. Inefficient and wasteful, leaving prisoners woefully unprepared for the world they will face on release".
The inspector believes that with controlled use of the internet, education of prisoners could be transformed with inmates able to study for qualifications and look for jobs ready for release.
As critics of the move voice their concerns about murderers, paedophiles and terrorists accessing the internet, Mr Hardwick pointed out how 'relatively easy' it is for prisoners to get hold of illegal mobile phones to access the internet now.
Mr Hardwick emphasises, "Like other risk management processes in a prison, prisoners' access to new technologies and the internet needs to be based on risk assessment of the individual concerned and properly supervised".
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