Wills & Probate Solicitors, Peterborough

There's two aspects here. Wills and Probate.


We'll deal with both independently of each other but at the same time we'll try to keep matters brief and relatively light hearted.


Contemplating a persons demise, with all it's practical considerations, isn't necessarily the most cheerful way to pass an evening hence rather than quoting a lot of technical details we'll take a slightly lighter tone.


Hence "The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated", said Mark Twain. Prior to the inevitable. 




Depending upon your perspective this could be the most important document you write. It helps order things upon your demise.


Without writing a Will the rules of intestacy apply and essentially the government decides who inherits what from your Estate. Loved ones may get nothing. This is particularly relevant if you're not married but in a relationship.


Additionally if you have a family you should decide who will look after your children in the event both parents die at the same time.


A Will can also be used as a tax planning tool. A way of safeguarding funds for those you love.


In precis a Will keeps matters "tidy" upon your untimely demise. You decide who gets what. The State can't force matters. Those you care about are looked after according to your wishes. 




Probate covers the details of the administration of the "assets and liabilities" after someone has died.  


If you have to deal with the death of someone who is close to you then it is our intention to provide specialist help whilst understanding that it's a difficult period. 


We will deal with the following:-


 Listing the assets and liabilities of the Estate.

 Dealing with any property & Capital Gains Tax issues.

 Collecting monies to distribute funds to the Beneficiaries.


Dealing with Probate can be an unpleasant task for family members and that's where we come in. We'll act in a professional, respectful manner and deal with the situation on your behalf.


Please either call us on 0845 603 0708, email us or complete the form on the right and we'll call you back to discuss writing a Will or assisting with Probate.  



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Peterborough Wills & Probate Solicitors

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Peterborough Solicitors

We provide a range of legal services to our clients, wherever they may be across England and Wales.


Our teams are specialist Residential and Commercial Conveyancing experts, Litigation, Family, Employment, Wills & Probate Solicitors.


Outstanding service. Affordable fees. Friendly approach.

The Old Police Station,
1 Turton Road,

0845 603 0708