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Worker Sacked In Hospital Bed

British Gas have been in the news in the last month having announced to Nigel Winkley he would be made redundant as he lay in hospital recovering from major heart surgery.


Mr Winkley, a gas inspector, had worked for British Gas for three years; the news of his redundancy was delivered via a PowerPoint presentation by two senior employees.


Following this he suffered a bout of angina, blamed on stress.


Quite rightly his wife Vicky asked the managers to leave the ward, it was reported in the Daily Mail. She has said, "What sort of idiots flounce into a hospital to deliver that sort of news to someone who's just had heart surgery?"


Mr Winkley has said he loved his job at British Gas, adding that he was unaware redundancies were being made. "I was so shocked and distressed by their behaviour I couldn't talk. It was completely out of the blue."


Following the incident a formal complaint was been made by Mr and Mrs Winkley to British Gas. A different position was offered, however due to his health this position was declined.


A British Gas spokesman said: "{we have} apologised that the news of the site closure was communicated to them in a public place."


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