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One Third of Divorces Cite Facebook in Behaviour Petitions

The word "Facebook" was mentioned in 33% of divorces in 2014, with the number one reason for separation being "inappropriate messages to members of the opposite sex".

Not just a place for sharing pictures and reconnecting with old friends from school any more, it's now a tool for breaking up marriages.

In cases of separation, behaviour petitions revealed many couples had taken to the social media site to post negative comments about each other. Another contribution to the dissolution of marriages was warnings of adultery and inappropriate behaviour from other Facebook "friends" who were privy to such information through their own Facebook friends.

In many cases, Facebook served as a conduit for people secretly reconnecting, and in some cases reuniting, with previous partners. Spouses became concerned when they noticed their partners spending an abnormal amount of time online, receiving texts in the middle of the night and suddenly becoming very possessive of their mobile, tablet or computer.

Whether or not Facebook is the sole reason for divorce remains to be seen. Those people already unhappy in their relationships are by default more likely to seek an escape through such behaviour with social media.

If you are thinking about divorce, contact our team on 0845 603 0708 for advice.

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