Sunderland Police Interview Solicitors

If you have been called to a police station for questioning it is important to contact our Sunderland police interview solicitors as soon as possible, as anything you say when interviewed under caution by the police can impact the outcome of your case.


Below are a few of the accusations you may need our assistance with;




 Child abuse allegations


 Manslaughter and murder

 Motoring offences

 Rape accusations


As well as offering their expert legal advice, our Sunderland police interview solicitors will also ensure you are being granted the rest breaks to which you are entitled and make certain that your human rights are being respected.


We will also ensure that your case is being handled correctly, and will explain the legal process to you, so you will know what to be prepared for.


Our team can also provide you with expert representation if you must face a court case at the local Magistrate's Court or the Crown Court.


Furthermore, we will be at the other end of the phone if you should have any questions along the way. In short our lawyers will do whatever they can to make the whole process as pain free as it can be.


Regardless of the allegation our legal experts will treat you as a client not a criminal. In return, it is important that you are completely honest with us throughout. We can't handle your case effectively if we don't know where we stand.


If you have been accused of a crime and need the advice of our Sunderland police interview solicitors, contact our team in complete confidence. You can speak to us directly using the number below, or enter your details into the form to the right and one of our police station lawyers will call you back.



Police Interview Solicitors



Tel: 0845 603 0708

Get in touch with your query or requirements
Sunderland Sex Offence Solicitors
Sunderland Fraud Solicitors
Sunderland Court Solicitors
Sunderland Police Interview Solicitors
Sunderland Assault Solicitors
Sunderland Drug Solicitors

Sunderland Solicitors

Our Sunderland crime solicitors can assist with the following matters;


Court attendance, driving offences, drug crime, fraud allegations, police interview, sex offences, and violent crimes.


Speak to our team in complete confidence to find out more.

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Sunderland Driving Solicitors

0845 603 0708