Manchester Criminal Defence Solicitors

Muslims Scared to Report Hate Crime

Fear of the unknown is preventing Muslims from reporting instances of hate crime, a senior police officer has said. 


Ch Supt Wasim Chaudhry said incidents across Greater Manchester may be under-reported as the numbers have fallen since a spike following the 22 May arena bombing. 


Those affected may fear that their identity will be revealed or are unaware that crimes do not have to be reported directly to the police, he said. 


Ch Supt Chaudhry is Greater Manchester Police's lead officer for hate crime. He said: 


"It is a fear of the unknown, about what support victims are going to get coming forward and they [do not know] if they will be exposed in terms of their details. 


"I get the fact that not everyone is comfortable and confident coming to a police officer or to the police. 


"If the perpetrators are left unchecked, and if their behaviour is not tackled, then they risk going on and undertaking further victimisation that can increase in terms of its gravity." 


In the days following the Manchester Arena attack, GMP saw a rise in reports of hate crime, however the numbers have now returned to pre-attack levels. 


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