Preston Compensation Solicitors

If you have suffered from an injury, that wasn't your fault, you should talk to our Preston Compensation Solicitors.


We understand you may have been involved in a car accident, incurred a sports injury, or had a fall at work, whatever your case, we want to hear from you.


There are set time limits when you can make a valid compensation claim. This can vary between each individual depending on the severity of your injury.


If you have had an accident at work you may feel you cannot make a claim against your employer however it is their legal responsibility to provide a safe working environment for you.


Our specialists have had many years of experience in dealing with compensation claims, which is why we are committed into getting you the compensation you deserve.


Injuries can come in all shapes and sizes, here are a few claims we deal with;


 Accidents at Work

 Car Accidents & Whiplash

 Industrial Disease

 Sport Injuries

 Slips & Trips


We offer an understanding approach towards your injury as we know how an accident can leave you feeling physically exhausted and can put a financial strain on your family.


If you think you might have a claim, please contact our compensation solicitors today on.



Compensation Solicitors


Get in touch with your query or requirements
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Preston Solicitors

We don't believe we're your typical "high street" legal practice. We're committed to our clients well-being whether they're lucky enough to live in the Preston area or elsewhere in England or Wales... and that's what sets us apart from our competition....


Why not try us on the basis that we'll work hard to keep you as happy, satisfied, customer !

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