Industrial Disease Solicitors, Oldham

If you're bored you might want to search Google for the meaning of the word, "insurance"....
We were interested in the what popped up and for your reference the following is Google's, inhouse, definition;
A practice by which a company provides a guarantee of compensation for specified loss, damage, illness, or death in return for payment... 
The modern society we live in has made life safer for all of us. At the same time there are many Industrial Diseases that are affecting people lives.
And that is why there is a need for insurance. So that in the event a person is found to be suffering from a work related disease, that affects their quality of life or is potentially life threatening, that the insurance kicks in and the injured party receives compensation.   
As such the following are commonly referred to as "Industrial diseases" which trigger compensation payments; 
Asbestosis. Asbestos was widely used from the 1950' to the 1980's in insulation and heat resistant products. Asbestosis can develop when the fibrous material affects the lungs. Very unpleasant. 
Industrial Deafness can be brought on by working in noisy environments where inadequate or no ear protection was supplied. A person might not go deaf but if you're hearing has been impaired there is a potential compensation claim. 
Vibration White Finger (VWF) affects the blood flow to the hand. Typically affects miners and those in the construction industries. If you've ever spent time working on a "jigger" (as the writer of this web page has) you'll know exactly what we mean.
VWF is also known as Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS) or simply Dead Finger. This has affected thousands of workers. Worst case you'll lose your fingers. The Government created a pot of money to cover claims to miners. £100 million had been paid out pre 2004.
Respiratory Diseases. Distinctly unpleasant. Affects the lungs. In excess of 200,000 suffer from asthma, pbeumoconiosis, emphysema and bronchitis.
Those at highest risk include paint sprayers, bakers, food processors, nurses, chemical workers, welders, hairdressers and timber workers. 
If any of the above have affected you there is the potential to make a compensation claim. Please either call us on 0845 603 0708 or complete the form on the right and we'll call you back.

Industrial Disease Solicitors

Oldham, Manchester, National

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