Kensington Probate Solicitors

When dealing with the death of a loved one, there are many things we would rather be doing than dealing with solicitors. We know this as well as anyone, so we make it our aim to deal with the Estate process as sensitively but efficiently as possible via our Kensington probate solicitors.


No matter how straightforward or how complex you think your query might be, our Kensington solicitors are experts in all areas of probate law and are ready to help with any of the following matters, amongst others;


 Intestacy - where no will has been left

 Advice and assistance in creating a will

 Inheritance tax advice

 Lasting powers of attorney and grant of representation

 Contesting a will


When it comes to creating a will we are not stuffy and awkward like some firms of solicitors. We see it as a necessary and sensible action to take, to avoid the complications of intestacy and to ensure loved ones are cared for.


We have a proven track record of satisfying even the most complex and contentious of probate matters. If you wish to contest a will, the first step is a phone call to our expert solicitors who will be able to advise on the next step.


All of our solicitors are highly-trained and professional, and they also know that dealing with legal matters after the death of a loved one can be difficult. They will deal with your case in a sympathetic, confidential manner, ensuring you are in full control of the situation throughout.


To discuss our services in more detail and to see how we can help, enter your details on the right and we will get back to you. Alternatively, call our solicitors directly on the number below.


Probate and Wills Solicitors

Kensington, London


Tel: 0845 603 0708

Get in touch with your query or requirements
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Notting Hill Solicitors

We pride ourselves on being friendly, dynamic and approachable.


Our experts deal with cases of divorce, employment disputes, fraud, immigration matters, and wills and probate.


Speak to us today for a tailor-made approach to law.

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0845 603 0708