Norwich Violent Crime Solicitors

A violent crime allegation is obviously an extremely serious one and because the punishments that can go along with it are so severe, it is crucial to have expert lawyers on your side right from the side. Our Norwich violent crime solicitors can help.


In UK law, there are several crimes which come under the umbrella term "violent crime," including;


 GBH (grievous bodily harm)




 Sexual assault


"Violent crime" is basically where a person has been subjected to physical force or violence. If a death occurs due to this violence, the offence is then referred to as Homicide.


The 1957 Homicide Act differentiates between types of Homicide in the following way;


 Murder. Where one individual kills another, with an obvious intent to kill.

 Voluntary manslaughter. Where there was intent to kill but there is a partial defence, such as diminished responsibility.

 Involuntary manslaughter. Where a death has occurred as a result of negligence on behalf of an individual.


Our lawyers have experience representing clients in a range of cases, from the very minor to the extremely serious. Our approach is to tackle each case on its own merits, adapting our technique as necessary, depending on your situation.


We will advise the best course of action to help maintain your human rights and civil liberties, as well as establishing whether you are entitled to Legal Aid.


Our Norwich solicitors are experts in all areas of violent crime. To find out how they can help you, call the number at the bottom of the screen to speak to us directly. Or if you prefer, complete the online form on the right and we will call you back.



Violent Crime Solicitors



Tel: 0845 603 0708

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Norwich Solicitors

Our Norwich crime solicitors have experience in all areas of criminal law.


Burglary, driving offences, fraud, violent crime. Whatever the accusation, our solicitors have the expertise to help.


Call us today for more information.

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0845 603 0708