Norwich Police Interview Solicitors

If you have been asked to attend a police station to answer questions under caution, we recommend calling our Norwich solicitors as soon as possible.


Even though at this point your case will be in its early stages, it is imperative to have expert legal advice as anything you say at this juncture can impact the course your case will take.


Our solicitors can deal with a broad range of matters, including;




 Driving offences

 Fraud (including benefit, tax, VAT and money laundering)




 Terrorism offences


 Violent crime


Our Norwich solicitors will not only be able to advise you the best way to deal with the situation but can also ensure the interviews are being carried out in a legal, legitimate manner.


We have police interview experts who will be able to verify that the process is adhering to all parts of the "Code of Practice for the Detention, Treatment and Questioning of Persons by the Police" and the "Code of Practice on Audio Recording Interviews with Suspects."


For instance your lawyer will be on hand to guarantee you are being allowed all the time breaks and rest periods you are entitled to. They will also be able to step in if the police attempt to gain statements from you by using so-called "oppressive techniques" such as raising their voice.


We know this is a stressful time, but our solicitors will do everything they can to make it easier for you.


To discuss our services in more detail you can call our team directly on the number below. Alternatively, complete the form on the right and we will call you back.



Police Interview Solicitors



Tel: 0845 603 0708

Get in touch with your query or requirements
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Norwich Solicitors

Our Norwich crime solicitors have experience in all areas of criminal law.


Burglary, driving offences, fraud, violent crime. Whatever the accusation, our solicitors have the expertise to help.


Call us today for more information.

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0845 603 0708