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A new study suggests taking sleeping pills can lead to Alzheimer's

Marie Therese Webb, 46, daughter to her 75 year old mother Mauve noticed her mother's memory lapses over the past two years and began to suspect it was more than just a memory lapse.


Mauve visited her GP in November 2009 and was diagnosed with Alzheimer's but since her diagnosis, Marie Therese started to wonder how her bright and capable mother could have got this disease.


A study by French and Canadian scientists found people who take benzodiazepines for sleep and anxiety could be at a higher risk of getting Alzheimer's which is a worrying revelation considering 1.5 million people in the UK who are over 65 take this drug.


Over 10 million prescriptions are written every year for the drugs diazepam (Also known as Valium) lorazepam, temazepam and nitrazepam.


Mauve was taking the drug Valium for over 14 years to help with her anxiety and sleep problems. Like most women of Mauves generation, the drug was prescribed and known as 'Mothers Little Helper' to help them cope with demands of life.


"Mum suffered from depression and anxiety in her 40's and Valium seemed to help her stay calm and in control," says Marie Therese.


They're has been many other cases just like Mauves, but medical expert Dr Allen Young, of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, says: "The problem with all these studies is that the anxiety and sleep problems that benzodiazepines were prescribed for may actually be an early manifestation of Alzheimer's."


He goes on to tell Daily Mail readers, "Any drug will have risks and benefits and it's a doctor's job to explain those to you before they prescribe them."


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