Work Accident Solicitors

Wilko Fined Millions After Worker Is Left Paralysed

Budget retailer Wilko has been fined more than £2 million after an employee was crushed by a cage filled with dozens of pots of paint, leaving her paralysed.


Corisande Collins was 20 at the time of the accident and has been left wheelchair bound and with a 1 per cent chance of ever walking again.


Miss Collins was working at the Beaumont Leys store in Leicester, when the incident happened in August 2013.


Leicester Crown Court heard Wilko Retail Limited plead guilty to four offences under the Health and Safety at Work Act. Wilko has been made to pay a £2.2 million fine and costs of £70,835.91.


Judge Ebraham Mooncey told the court that "heavily and unevenly laden cages were being manoeuvred around, sometimes unnecessarily, with items not even required on the shop floor."


Aidan Connolly, chief financial officer at Wilko, said:


"Wilko accepts the ruling of the judge and will not appeal. The greater penalty for all of us is, knowing that on this occasion we let one of our team members down.


"We are truly sorry that this incident happened and for the impact it has had on Corisande, her family and those around them which the judge today recognised they have faced as a family and with great fortitude."


If you have been injured at work and believe your employer's negligence was to blame, you may be entitled to compensation. Call our team in complete confidence on 0845 603 0708 to discuss your circumstances.




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