Legal Aid Solicitors Doncaster

If you have been arrested or have a case going to Court our Doncaster Legal Aid Solicitors will be able to check if you are entitled to financial help with the costs.


Our lawyers can give you the right advice about your entitlements. Whether you have been accused of theft, fraud, a violent crime or a driving offence you need to talk to our lawyers as soon as possible.


Legal Aid is not available to everyone and if you are eligible, it will help pay for the costs of a solicitor or barrister to represent you in court or at a tribunal. Your case may not result in a Court appearance but Legal Aid will also help cover the costs of mediation in, for instance, family related matters.


If you are arrested and find yourself in Police custody or if you have been accused of a crime and don't know where to turn, our Doncaster solicitors are on your side with advice and support.


Legal Aid covers a multitude of areas but even if you are entitled, you may still have to pay something towards your costs.


Areas covered include;


 If you have been arrested, questioned or charged by the police

 Debt, for example if you are at risk of losing your home

 Housing, if you are being evicted

 Family issues, mediation if you are going through divorce

 Education, dealing with a Special Educational Needs appeal

 Community Care, if you are unhappy with the care of an elderly or disabled relative


If you need to discuss Legal Aid with our Doncaster Solicitors please call us now on 0845 603 0708 or complete the form on the right and we'll call you back.




Legal Aid Solicitors



Tel: 0845 603 0708

Get in touch with your query or requirements
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"Hale for Bail !"

We specialise in dealing with Criminal Defence matters throughout the country and can arrange representation where ever you find yourself.... 


We don't just represent our Barnsley, Doncaster, Scunthorpe & Sheffield clients !


Whether yours is a criminal, fraud, violent crime or bail matter we can help. 

The Johnson Partnership,
Legal Chambers,
70 Waterdale,
01159 419141
Defence Chambers,
53 Laneham St,
DN15 6PB
01724 859992