Assault Solicitors Doncaster

If you have been accused of a crime it is essential to seek legal help before the situation spirals out of control. Our assault solicitors in Doncaster can provide you with their expert legal advice and ensure your human rights are being respected.


Our experts will also ensure police are following the correct procedures, make sure you are receiving all of the rest breaks to which you are entitled, and if necessary, represent you at court.


Even if your case is at an early stage it is important to contact a lawyer as soon as possible. This is important because anything you say when interviewed under caution by police can impact the outcome of your case. Therefore it is always preferable to speak to a solicitor before such discussions take place.


The term "assault" actually covers many separate offences of varying severity, some of which are outlined below;

 Actual Bodily Harm (ABH)


 Common assault

 Domestic violence

 Grievous Bodily Harm (GBH)



 Sexual assault


Whatever the allegation our lawyers will treat you as a client not a criminal, and will give you the full benefit of their expert advice.


If you need the advice of our assault solicitors in Doncaster, contact our team to discuss your situation in confidence. You can speak to us on 0845 603 0708 or complete the form to the right and we will call you back as soon as possible.



GV Hale & Co

Assault Solicitors



Tel; 0845 603 0708

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"Hale for Bail !"

We specialise in dealing with Criminal Defence matters throughout the country and can arrange representation where ever you find yourself.... 


We don't just represent our Barnsley, Doncaster, Scunthorpe & Sheffield clients !


Whether yours is a criminal, fraud, violent crime or bail matter we can help. 

The Johnson Partnership,
Legal Chambers,
70 Waterdale,
01159 419141
Defence Chambers,
53 Laneham St,
DN15 6PB
01724 859992