Law Firms For Sale

We are constantly discussing the buying and selling of law firms and are actively building our portfolio of clients and interested parties.
If you'd like to discuss listing your firm for sale, on a P&C basis, or wish to discuss the opportunities below please contact us on 0345 603 0708 or email
Law Firms for Sale;
  • S1231 We have a Claims Management Company for sale with permissions to "seek out, referrals and identification of claims "of all varieties and "advise, investigation or representation in relation to financial services or financial product claims." Originated in 2010 the current owner took possession in 2016 but never traded although FCA accepted registration in 2019. This exceptionally clean company is offered at  £55,000,00.
  • S1233 Based in North London we offer a sole practitioner turning over £289k with a net profit before tax of £70k. Conveyancing of houses and flats. Lease extensions and purchase of freeholds by residential leaseholders. Commercial and investment propeties. Shared ownership and housing associations purchases and sales. Legal work on mortgages and remortgages. Offers invited.
  • S1237 Manchester based Ltd co firm. Established 2014 in property leased from directors. PI premium only £5,300, renewable September 2025 with no claims ever. T/O over £248k with a profit of £40k. WIP of £61k in Clinical Neg, Dental neg, Ind disease, RTA's, EL&PL, and housing disrepair with a pipeline of £858k and a 12 month forecast of £360k. 4 solicitors working part time with a fee sharer. 
  • S1238 An LLP based in Guildford since 2016 in rented offices with a 3 month notice period. 5% debt collection . 35% matrimonial, 55% professional negligence, 5% motoring. PI renewal end May 24 at £20k + IPT. WIP of 100 cases valued at £1m - 60 Pro Neg. 40 Famly and general. 12 month forecast of £700k. 2 solicitors, 1 trainee solicitor and 1 paralegal. 2023 turnover £646k and net profit before tax of £88k.
  • S1234 Manchester based sole practitioner since 2009 converted to a LTD in 2013 with 24% LPA/COP. 72% Probate and Estate Admin. 4% wills and trusts. PI only £5,600 renewing 1/3/25. No claims. T/O £84k WIP £10k with 228 cases open and 21 live. Offered at £60k. 
  • S1240 Ltd company based North West of Manchester. 95% crime. 5% matrimonial. PI £12k Zero claims. WIP £400k with 1,300 open cases and 600 live. 5 duty solicitors (of which 2 are directors).1 Manager. 2 clerical. 1 paralegal. With crime legal aid contract and CQS certified. I director to retire; so 50% shareholding offered at £200k. Remaining director may consider a share swap. 
  • S1241 We have a sole practitioner based in Rochdale since 1983 for sale, in a short lease office. 4% commercial conveyancing and 19% residential. 14% non-litigious. 31% probate and estate administration. 3% will (2400 held) 27% trusts and 300 executorships. PI of only £15k oa until June 2025. No claims. Turnover £195k with net profit before tax of £36k from 308 open cases and 192 live to give WIP of £16k. 2 admin staff. On 3 panels via Lender Exchange. No legal aid. No post sale consultancy required. Offered at £70,000.
  • S1242 A clean company shell, not SRA registered: LAW LTD. Offered at £50k.
  • S1246 We have a sole practitioner based in North Wales since 2000, looking to retire. Office on a month by month lease. 21% residential conveyancing. 5% commercial conveyancing. 4% commercial & corporate. 4% debt collection. 46% probate and estate management. 20% general. 1100 wills held. PI premium £33k pa to June 2025. £194 T/O with £100k profit. 360 open cases with current WIP of £17k. No employees. No panels. No CQS. Offers invited. 
  • F3114 We have a well established conveyancing team based in London and comprising of a solicitor with 34 years PQE, an assistant with 30 years of experience, a qualified CLC, and one CLC trainee. They are currently fee earning on avergae of £60,000 per month and work on a 85/15 split. They work remotely and are looking for a company umbrella with a claims free history. You should have at least 2 apartners and be CQS certified. Willing to sell the entire firm. 
  • North Yorkshire. We have a partnership based in North Yorkshire and although established in 1995, both partners have been active in their field of personal injury and clinical negligence for some 40+ years. PI insurance has just renewed on October 1 for £13K and there has never been a claim. Average turnover from the past 3 years is £377,865 with average net profit before tax of £220,017 and WIP of around £300K with 90 - 95 open live files, plus 20+ disease based provisional damages settlements. All cases handled by 2 fee earning partners, a legal cashier, two part time legal secretaries and an assistant litigator. The practice is housed in an historic building within the centre of town which can be leased but may be also offered separately for sale. The business is covered by a Premex two-year credit for fast-track PI cases and 3 years for clinical negligence and multitrack PI, covered by a Markel ATE policy. All business comes from repeat recommendation with networking and web marketing alongside. One partner wishes to remain, the other to take a consultancy for a 5 – 7 year period. The partners will consider a reasonable proposal for outright purchase. S1190

  • Dagenham. Discount of £30k if deal agreed before 29th October 2024. Sole practitioner established 1980. Commercial, Probate and Family. Member of Law Society Children Panel. Converted to an LLP on 1st Feb 2014. High growth in Domestic Violence Dept. Profitable with growth forecast for 2017 15-20%. Asking price of £250k. S1028​

  • East Sussex. Very profitable high street practice based in East Sussex offered for sale due to poor health. 2016/17 turnover £280k with last there years average profit before tax and drawings of 44%. MAINLY CONVEYANCING. Asking £140k. S1034​
  • Hertfordshire. Sole Practitioner selling a Family Law law firm based in North West London. Last years turnover was £133k with net profit before tax of £66k. 2 Paralegals. No claims, liabilities loans or overdrafts. £3k PI premium. Rented premises. Referral and web business only. Price reduction to £60k. S1082
  • UK registered untraded company without a banking licence, but which contains the word BANK within it's name. Registered prior to the ceasation of this word to be used in a company's name. Given the sudden market interest in digital banks etc and the strong branding potential of XXXXX Bank Ltd, The owner has received a fair amount of interest for the bank and currently has an offer from a prospective buyer for the price of £1.2 million. In addition we now offer full support in obtaining EMI licensing in the buyer's name and all this is included in the purchase. S1096.
  • Manchester. Award winning sole practitioner achieving the UK's No: 1 fastest growing female led business. Personal recognition given by the Prime Minister and The Times. A Manchester based firm mainly involved with commercial and corporate work with some debt collection, children, mental health & welfare plus wills, trusts and tax planning. 304 wills held. Turning over £265k and an NBT of £63k. SP plus 2 fee earners, 1 paralegal and a part time book-keeper. LFYB certified. S1117
  • Re-listed: A will writing company with nearly 60,000 wills in stock of which they are named executor of 14,000. 105,000 Wills in total. They are totally digitalised and the wills bank clients have all paid £600 for the extensive services they offer. Sell-ons include LPAs, PPTs and Trusts with very high client referrals. Probates sales currently running at £500k with four year's projections calculated as £2.74m against existing revenue streams. S1042
  • An immigration law firm with offices in London & Australia. S1096/1
  • Leeds. A specialist family law firm based in Leeds, with LAC, established in 1991 with 90% revenues coming from Children, Mental Health and Welfare and 10% from Matrimonial and Family. No claims since 2008 - conveyancing work no longer undertaken.

    Turnover rose form £366k in 2019 to £429k in 2020 with net profit before tax rising to £131k in the year. The founder now wishes to reduce her workload to 3 days a week but is willing to stay on as a consultant for up to 3 years to ensure a smooth handover. All employees willing to stay. Office available to rent. Forecasting between £500k and £550k for the coming 12 months from 6 fee earners and 5 part time support staff. Glowing recent Lexcel report. S1147

  • A sole practitioner who has been running for two years on his own has now has to care for his aged father with dementia and is looking to reduce his hours. The SP fee earns in conveyancing, family and general civil litigation. He employs an Immigration consultant. Previously he practice managed for 25+ years. In addition he conducted 90% of all civil litigation and large family cases for his employer. In 2008 he set-up what became a very successful PI department. He is still in contact with all of the regular clients and most have joined him in his current practice. He has built the business either by buying in cases, contacting former clients and from professional contacts. With support and help of active colleagues/[partners he is confident that the fees can be increased very significantly within the next year. In this current financial year he will achieve £100,000 turnover on his own. With support and back-up he is sure this would be significantly higher, allowing him to work frontline full-time. He is looking for either a remote consultancy role, to service excess clients, or for a merger with a company looking to expand into the West Midlands. He has excellent local contacts within Smethwick, and experience as both fee earner and practice management. S1168

  • Midlands. A partnership based in two offices in the Midlands since 1978. 93% conveyancing plus matrimonial, probate & wills. PI renews Oct 22; quote obtained. Turnover £767k and net profit before tax of £150k. WIP £45k with 206 open and live cases. 2 solicitors, 1 legal exec, 1 conveyancer, 2 secretaries and 2 cashiers. On all major panels. No LACs. CQS certified. Owner will consider a part time consultancy. Asking £130k. A property is available for sale by separate negotiation and is offered at £600k. S1185

  • Manchester. We are again offering these Manchester based solicitors for sale: There are three important changes:.1. The price is reduced to £120k.  2.The debts have reduced to £80k working capital debts.  3. They have achieved the status of DIFC and so have a licence to trade in Dubai. Current work in progress is £100k+. S1203

  • Surrey. Based in Woking in Surrey we have a long standing Solicitors and Notary Public partnership for sale having been established in the 1960s. Leased offices owned by the partners. 9% Commercial and 66% residential conveyancing. 23% wills trusts and probate with 2,500 wills stored and 10 probate cases in hand. Current PI @ £64k with renewal in October 2024. Turnover at £402 with net profit before tax of £73k and WIP of £75k from 100 open and 75 live cases; on course for a turnover this year of £420k. 3 solicitors. 3 legal secretaries. 1 bookkeeper and 11 trainee solicitor. On ALL panels except for the Clydesdale. CQS registered and no legal aid. Long handover guaranteed and asking £140k. S1208

  • Southampton, Portsmouth and Bournmouth. We have a law firm established since 1990s who wish to sell due to relocation of the owner, PII insurance £34,000 renewed and paid for on 1st October 2023. There are 3 legal aid contracts in Southampton: Family. Crime (with Duty Solicitors scheme) and Immigration with over 800 existing clients and over £200,000 WIP, and in Portsmouth and Bournemouth: Family and Immigration with new contract starting September 2023. These contracts come with accredited and qualified supervisors and case workers in all 3 categories, an established sales ledger and WIP. The firm also have CQS in place with over 100 completed conveyancing and with around 50 current clients for conveyancing that is growing rapidly. Asking £400,000. S1217

  • London. London based law firm shell with satellite in Manchester and £100k debts. CQS registered. On 18 panels. History in property, immigration and family.  Best offer secures. S1224

  • Available Soon. Dubai based law firm. Please register your interest. S1225

  • S1226 Untraded, SA registered, ABS existing under parent company PI Insurance. £45,000 NO OFFERS 
  • S1229 PPI PLEVIN BOOK -  We have a client who is looking to divest their book of live non-disclosure of commision cases.  All clients are on a DBA at 40% + VAT and ATEI arranged for all cases issued and in the court timetable. The firm is open to transferring with the book all fee earners associated to these cases. The book is made up as follows: 4,616 live cases, 20 defendants withh 55% of live cases with the top three 26%/17%/12%, quantum of claim £25.3m with an average of £5.5k per claim. The firm is seeking offers
  • S1240 Ltd company based North West of Manchester. 95% crime. 5% matrimonial. PI £12k. Zero claims. WIP £400k with 1,300 open cases and 600 live. 5 duty solicitors (of which 2 are directors).1 Manager. 2 clerical. 1 paralegal. With crime legal aid contract and CQS certified. I director to retire; so 50% shareholding offered at £200k. Remaining director may consider a share swap. 


Investment Sought


Law firm looking to take on board a practicing lawyer with investment, to speed expansion, between £50k and £1m. PQE not as important as the desire to join a fast growing and acquisitive firm at the beginning of their expansion. London based at present they are looking to acquire throughout the UK. B11249. 


  • B11056. A law firm with a retiring sole practitioner in or near Wolverhampton.  
  • B11065. Acquisition of a law firm with a Family Legal Aid Contract.  
  • B11075. Wanted immediately: A practice that specialises in property and has an established Estate Agency attached. Preferred location is in Yorkshire or adjoining counties. Alternatively an estate agency for sale in this area would be acceptable.
  • B11075/2. A Crime Legal Aid Contract(s) within 20 miles of Bradford. Our Client is willing to buy the contract or the firm.
  • B11091. A Buckinghamshire based law firm looking to acquire a Criminal Aid Contract anywhere in the UK. Offices facilities in the locale preferred.   
  • B11098. Wanted a law firm for sale within 25 mile of Leicester.  
  • B11107. A well established law firm based in Rochdale are looking to acquire firms, or WIP, in the arenas of Medical Injuries. Serious Injuries. And Industrial disease. 
  • B11139. URGENTLY WANTED. Any law firm with Personal Injury WIP, or our client will buy the PI WIP alone.
  • B11148. Law firm shell wanted with PI cover in place, anywhere in the UK.    
  • B11150. Any law firm, big or small, based in the North East of England.     
  • B11165. Wanted a UK based Claims Management Company.  
  • B11176. TRAINING CONTRACT sought in the NORTH WEST for a bright young student. There are no charges associated with this introduction.  
  • B11184. Wanted: looking for a Small/medium claimant PI practice in the North West, South West or South Wales.  
  • B11195. We have a Canadian client who is looking to acquire an English or Welsh law firm that is both profitable and turning over between £2 - £5 million. The purpose of the acquisition is intended to lead to an IPO on the London Stock Exchange. The purchaser currently consists of two law firms with combined revenues of $5 million. The desired timeline is for a completion within a year.
  • B11196. Wanted to acquire a general practice law firm based within reach of Stockton-on-Tees.  
  • B11199. Wanted to acquire a law firm with a Criminal Aid Contract in Yorkshire and the North West.  
  • B11204. An SRA lawyer looking to acquire a Conveyancing firm with CQS in Leeds.
  • B11206. Experienced client with a law degree looking to buy or join an ABS to undertake a training contract and then acquire the whole. Brings a very large clientbase within the Midlands.
  • B11207. Wanted: Sole practitioners or small law firms in the West Midlands area looking to retire or wind down to avoid run off costs.
  • B11249. To purchase Personal Injury and Medical Negligence WIPs and aged debtors books.
  • B11271. Wanted. A law firm in Wales, preferably operating from one office: Turnover £1m to £3m. Profit not important. Run off insurance paid if any directors/partners wish to retire. PI insurance not essential. No legal aid. Skillset required in order of preference (not all essential). A wills bank/ probate work - Conveyancing (commercial and residential) – Corporate - Agricultural law - Anything else specialistic; tax law, etc - Family law (private) – Litigation.
  • B11328. Wanted to Purchase: An employment law firm anywhere within the UK Preferably an ABS but operational with working PI in place.

  • B11353. South East based Corporate/Commercial Law firm looking to acquire firm with t/o £100k-£300k. Target firm would have a strong litigious/contentious or commercial property element, the seller would be willing to work with the buyer on a consultancy basis to oversee the transition and transfer of skills to junior fee earners. 
  • FSC 4067. Seeking an Immigration Legal Aid Contract, anywhere in the UK.
  • B11335. Two law firms sought to be acquired by one buyer anywhere in the UK: 1. Crime with legal aid and 2. Immigration with legal aid.
  • B11382. International partner firm sought turnover around £2m. Our client has offices in Cardiff, Pembroke Dock, Bristol, London and Oxford.
  • B11347. Wanted PPI Claims Comanies 


Long Term Wanted


B11176/1. We have a client looking to acquire a prosperous legal multi-skilled law practice within the next five years. Therefore they are looking to get involved with, to work with and support an existing practice where a partner, partners or the sole practitioner, is looking to retire, in the next five years, where pre-control involvement can build a trusting relationship for when eventual control is acquired. This will involve a training contract. Our client is happy to enter into high level discussions with a law firm preferably based in the North West.

Get in touch with your query or requirements
Jon Hilton
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Additionally we can help with Buying & Selling Law Firms, Case Management Software, Fee Sharing, Legal Cashiers, Property Searches, Recruitment & provide PII Quotes... We're a mechanism to help law firms, and solicitors, focus on fee earning. Simple.

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BL8 4AW.

0345 603 0708