Ellesmere Port and Willaston Wills Solicitors

Every year in Britain thousands of individuals die without leaving a valid Will. Drawing up a Will is relatively straightforward and gives you peace of mind knowing that should the worst happen, your loved ones are protected to the best of your ability. Our Ellesmere Port Wills solicitors are ready to guide you through the process.


Below are some of the reasons you might want to consider writing a Will;


 It is your chance to decide who gets what. Without a Will, the government will make this choice for you

 Without a Will cohabiting partners do not automatically inherit as married couples or civil partners do

 It is an opportunity to leave a gift to any important charities or close friends who mean a lot to you

 You can state who should look after any children in the event of your death

 With some careful planning it may be possible to mitigate your inheritance tax bill


Once you have created your Will it is important to keep the document updated to reflect any major life changes, such as getting married, going through a divorce, or having children. An outdated Will could be deemed invalid, so you should always let our Ellesmere Port Wills solicitors know if any of your circumstances change.


As well as helping you to write or update a Will, our team can also assist with any inheritance tax queries you may have. We keep our finger on the pulse of changing inheritance tax legislation and may be able to help ensure your loved ones receive as much as possible in terms of inheritance.


If you are ready to write a Will, or wish to update an existing document, get in touch with our Ellesmere Port Wills solicitors today. You can speak to our team using the telephone number below, or enter your details into the online enquiry form to the right and we will call you back as soon as possible.



Wills Solicitors

Ellesmere Port & Willaston


Tel: 01606 834 824

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Ellesmere Port, Middlewich, Willaston

Our Ellesmere Port, Middlewich and Willaston solicitors are experienced, professional, and can assist with the following areas of law;


Commercial and business matters, conveyancing, disputes and litigation, employment, probate and Wills.


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Willaston Wills Solicitors

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