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Richard and Judy slammed for assisted death pact

Popular TV couple Richard and Judy have shocked and divided the public recently when they admitted their personal pledge to help end each others suffering when the time comes.


Their open views on assisted suicide has opened the floodgates on a barrage of criticism but has again brought the subject to debate.


Following 26 years of marriage, the couple who famously hosted ITV's This Morning have reportedly made a suicide pact together and admit they have a 'responsibility' to help one another if they are suffering,


The Daily Mail report reveals that it was the recent death of Richard Madeley's mother which brought the harsh reality of death into sharper focus.


57 year old Madeley admitted that he would not hesitate if his wife asked him to give her a 'little push to go over the edge' , he says that Miss Finnigan would do the same.


The couple who have two children together have been criticized heavily for their comments especially Madelely who is reported to have said he would spare his wife the risk of prosecution by shooting himself in the head.


"For me it would be the locked room, the bottle of Whisky and the revolver". He goes on to say "I wouldn't want to mess around".


According to British Law, a partner can be prosecuted if they help someone to die and the pair have been accused by anti-euthanasia campaigners of 'promoting suicide'. They fear that the couple's celebrity status increases the risk of copycat agreements.


Judy Finnigan supported her husbands comments entirely, the 65 year old former presenter added, "stuff it all!  We've made ourselves give each other a pledge along those lines".


Among those echoing the concerns of others on the subject is Disability rights campaigner, Baroness Campbell.


Firmly against the legalisation of assisted suicide, Baroness Campbell commented on Richard and Judy's pact, saying, "They have a very influential voice and the people who will suffer will be those who are vulnerable to influence and coercion".


Assisted suicide in England and Wales is a criminal offence and carries the punishment of up to 14 years in prison.  


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