Bury Wills Solicitors

We can provide a dedicated, bespoke, legal service from our Bury office in order to create your Will.


As solicitors we can support you with specialist advice and information with respect to the following;


 Will Writing / drafting

 Alterations to a Will & adding Codicils

 Inheritance tax planning (for Estates over £325,000) 

 Single Wills

 Mirror Wills

 Trust planning.


Whether you live in Bury, Prestwich, Heywood or Bolton we can guide you through the Will writing process. 


In their simplest form people make Wills to protect the interests of their children, mitigate Inheritance Tax, make donations to charity, state their funeral requirements and confirm their instructions to those left behind.


It's not necessarily the cheeriest of subjects but it's one we all need to address as we get older.


Additionally if you have previously written a Will but your circumstances have changed you should amend the Will in order to reflect your change of circumstances.


In the first instance please either call 0845 603 0708, email answers@nationalsolicitors.com or complete the form on the right and we'll come back to you. 




Will Writing Solicitors


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Medical negligence law
Bury Property Solicitors
Debt recovery
Fixed Fee Wills Bury
Fixed Fee Probate
Heywood Probate Fees

Bury Solicitors

Need a solicitor who covers Bury, Heywood, Prestwich & Manchester and provides a national service ? 


Looking for an established, friendly, capable law firm to help you ?


Well look no further, our Bury Solicitors can help with all your legal needs.

Legal Brokers Ltd,
The Old Police Station,

0845 603 0708