Bury Power of Attorney Solicitors

Helping a loved one handle their financial matters and affairs can be stressful.Our specialist Bury Power of Attorney Solicitors can help you, to make life easier.
A Lasting Power of Attorney is a legal document which allows you as a donor to appoint different people to make decisions on your behalf.

There are two types of Lasting Power of Attorneys;

Property and financial affairs
Health and welfare
Unfortunately if you do not have the mental capacity to appoint an attorney, then matters can be complicated.
You can arrange a legal document from the age of 18 even if you don't need a family member to handle your matters straight away.
We can't plan if we are going to have an accident and incur a life threatening injury such as a traumatic brain injury which is why it is important to make these decisions earlier on in life.
If you have a history of medical problems in your family which could affect your mental capacity it is wise to sort out the legal side of things as soon as possible to ensure you have a trustworthy person to deal with your financial matters.
If you would like legal advice with respect to your situation please either fill out the form on the right or call us on Bury 0845 603 0708.

Power of Attorney Solicitors


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Legal Brokers Ltd,
The Old Police Station,

0845 603 0708