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The stinking waste mountain next door

Residents of a Bromley cul-de-sac have lived in misery for three years with the stench of a 40ft mountain of waste towering above their properties.


Weighing up to 18,000 tons and measuring around 60ft wide, residents fear for their health as some occupants are physically sick with the smells from the waste disposal site.


Currently locked in a legal battle with the site owners, The Environment Agency claim that they have not been paying for the waste to be treated or sent for recycling or disposal.


The mountain was supposed to be removed back in June last year when Waste4Fuel was ordered by the Environment Agency to clear the site.


According to the company's website, they are specialists in the collection of waste for the reprocessing and generation of electricity.


So far, residents of the neat suburban cu-de-sac have not seen any steps to remove the steaming pile of rubbish which threatens to knock thousands off the value of their homes.


Local residents can no longer enjoy their gardens or open their windows because of the sickening smells and to top this, they say that the price of a three bed semi in the cul-de-sac has plummeted by £25,000 already.


Retired printer, Alan Cowburn has lived in the close since 1971 and says, "It's a nightmare, all the dust, the huge lorries with their reversing beepers.  I'm sure we get more flies round here than we used to, and I've seen a few rats.  I'd do anything to get rid of it".


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