Burnley Road Injury Solicitors

New Road Safety Campaign for Burnley and Padiham

Road users are being reminded to look out for each other as part of a new road safety campaign.


Burnley Council has launched a campaign to urge drivers, cyclists and pedestrians to look out for each other as the summer holidays draw to an end.


Signs have been installed across the borough encouraging all road users to be more considerate to one another, with the aim of making roads safer in Burnley and Padiham.


Leaflets promoting the scheme have also gone out to schools, nurseries, and other establishments.


The campaign is run by the Lancashire Road Safety Partnership and a key aim is to reduce the number of children who are killed or seriously injured on the road.


A spokesman for the partnership said:


"Regrettably, a number of children are involved in accidents on Lancashire's roads each year.


"I'd like to encourage everyone to be extra careful on the roads and not take risks, because children copy adults' behaviour and if they see others taking risks they will probably take risks too.


"We all have a part to play in helping to keep children safe on the roads and it's essential to set a good example."


If you have been injured on the roads and another individual was to blame, you may be entitled to compensation. Call our claims team on 01282 432 141 to find out more.



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