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Whiplash Claims Reforms

The Ministry of Justice has confirmed this week that they are looking at the creation of medical panels to assess whiplash injury claims.


Panels could include representatives from the British Medical Association, the Law Society as well as representatives of claimant lawyers and defendant lawyers and insurers.


The Law Society Gazette reports that the Ministry of Justice called a meeting of stakeholders when they discussed whiplash reforms, namely those claims below £5,000.  They expect medical panels to be in place to look at these type of claims by July this year.


Medical reports are only likely to be accepted in whiplash cases by those accredited examiners established by the panels after this time and evidence should be submitted in a standardised form.


In a bid to tighten up the whiplash claim industry, Justice Secretary, Chris Grayling pointed out that he wanted insurers to 'end the practice' of making offers to settle claims without requiring medical evidence.


The standardised forms in question will in theory be available to the courts, whiplash claimants and their insurers. The solution came as a direct response to a consultation on reducing the number of whiplash injury claims held last October.


If you have had an accident or injury and need to discuss a whiplash claim call 0203 206 1134 or email our solicitors at and we will contact you.



Broadgate Legal

Whiplash Claims Solicitors

Tel:0203 206 1134

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