The TV programme was launched in animated format in 1976. Subsequently, Mr Bond and Mr Clutterbuck have since passed away and are now being represented by their families.
Michael Clutterbuck's son has become concerned by the actions of "Paddington and Company Ltd" who control the merchandising of the brand on behalf of Mr Bond's family.
Mr Clutterbuck has a company called Pixdene Ltd and they have raised concerns, through their lawyers, that money is not being fairly dispersed. Since 2016 Pixdene Ltd has been receiving approximately £30,00 a year from the proceeds of the agreement. This has been despite the popularity of the recently released fims.
Consequently, Pixdene has now been given permission by the High Court to send independent auditors into the premises of Paddington and Company. This is to inspect the royalties accounts in order to verify whether sufficient payments have been paid.
Pixdene's lawyers say the worldwide market for Paddington merchandise is reportedly, in 2017, said to be worth £5 million.
Nonetheless, Paddington and Co Ltd states the sums already being provided to Pixdene are correct and in accordance with the agreement.
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