Appendix Removal Surgery

Lawyer Told Infertility Will Help Her Career After Medical Negligence

An East London lawyer who is suing a hospital for medical negligence has been told she is due less compensation because her infertility will help her career.

Sarah Marquis, 41, who specialises in white collar crime investigations, is suing the NHS for £1.5 million in damages after medical professionals at Homerton Hospital in East London failed to spot her burst appendix.

Ms Marquis told the High Court that as well as ruining her chances of starting a family, she had to take three and a half years off work which destroyed her ability to fulfil her career potential. However, lawyers acting on behalf of Homerton University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust believe that Ms Marquis should receive £300,000 compensation because children would have hampered her career had she remained fertile.

Bradley Martin, the NHS Foundation Trust's barrister, told the High Court that her burning desire to have children would have overridden her desire to advance her career.

Cara Guthrie, acting for Ms Marquis, said:

"Had it not been for the negligence of the defendants, Ms Marquis' appendix would not have perforated.

"She would have made a rapid and uncomplicated recovery, avoiding an extended hospital stay, and she would not have been rendered infertile."

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