London Terrorism Solicitors

Rightly or wrongly more and more people are coming under scrutiny as a function of the legislation put in place to foil terrorism in London, and across the UK.


The balancing act is to keep the public safe whilst also maintaining a person's civil liberties and human rights. In cases where individuals have been unfairly treated or mistakenly accused of terrorism we will provide the support needed to protect their rights.


An increased number of powers are available to the Police, post 2000, as a function of the activities of the UK Government. 


There are specific procedures in place to deal with both terrorist acts and those intending to perpetrate such crimes. Additionally;


 Convicted terrorists must notify police of their whereabouts.

 Glorifying terrorism is now illegal.

 The UK Treasury can freeze the the bank accounts and assets of suspected terrorists.

 An individual can be detained without charge for upto 42 days.


The government of the day has a duty to protect its citizens but by the same token individuals have human rights and civil liberties that need protecting. That is the strength of a free country.


You may have been accused of terrorism and need defending. You may have been treated unfairly by the police and wish to pursue a case against the police or government.  


In the first instance please contact our team on 0845 603 0708 to discuss your circumstances and legal options.



Terrorism Solicitors



Tel: 0845 603 0708

Get in touch with your query or requirements
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Brixton Crime Solicitors

Crime solicitors dealing with individuals accused of various matters. 


Our expert solicitors can assist with Burglary, Drink Driving, Fraud and a range of serious offences involving violence.


Call us today to discuss your circumstances in confidence.

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0845 603 0708