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Action over Asbestos in Birmingham schools

A review on asbestos in schools was confirmed by the Government last month as more than three quarters of schools in Britain contained the hazardous substance.


Results will be issued by the independent advisory committee to see whether children are affected by asbestos found in many British schools. Once the findings are issued, the Government will review their policies on asbestos in schools and tackling those that are a serious risk to staff and students.


Throughout a nine year period, statistics on asbestos related diseases found that more than 128 teachers died from the disease during 2002 and 2010. Whether asbestos exposure is related to their occupation is still being investigated.


David Laws, the Schools minister has informed MPs of the Government's objective to carry out a review once the report is published in May.


The HSE's director of field operations, David Ashton explained: "Where death certificates show 'mesothelioma – teacher'…someone who has been exposed over 40 or 50 years of their life is not sufficient information to conclude that they died because they taught in schools where there was asbestos."

Although the majority of schools have been recorded as "low risk" for asbestos exposure, Mr Ashton suggested that an inspection will provide a good idea of the health risks across schools in Britain.


We at BLV Law are experienced in the field of asbestos compensation claims.


If you or a family member have been affected by asbestos or you have been diagnosed with an asbestos related illness, contact our Birmingham compensation solicitors today to discuss a potential claim.


In launching the report, Jim Sheridan MP, Chair of the All-Party Group said "This is a national scandal. Urgent action is needed to prevent more pupils, teachers and other staff being exposed to this deadly killer dust. We need both far greater awareness of the risks that this material poses and a programme for its phased removal."



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