As specialists in personal injury cases we regularly act for individuals who have been involved in work related injuries.
An employer has a duty to protect their employees and to make sure the job carried out is safe and meets health and safety procedures.
However severe the injury is, if you have suffered as a result of your working conditions, our accident solicitors will handle every aspect of your claim from start to finish.
As Birmingham's leading injury solicitors, we understand the difficulties you may face when considering making a claim against your employer. Remember, employers are insured for all financial losses therefore your claim will go through their liability cover rather than your employer.
Our Birmingham solicitors will provide you with the confidence and support you need to put things right so that you receive the compensation you deserve.
Some examples of the work-related injuries we have helped claim for:
To discuss a potential claim, contact us on 0345 603 0708 to speak to one of our Birmingham work injury solicitors today!
Aren't all Injury Solicitors the same ? No.
We specialise in Injury Claims such as Road Traffic Injuries, Slips & Trips, Industrial Diseases and Deafness claims... Additionally we have vibrant Employment, Family, Probate & Litigation departments.
Think Accident... Think Us !