Sutton Coldfield Divorce Solicitors

When you are going through a painful marital split, it can be difficult to take that final step as our Sutton Coldfield divorce solicitors understand.


It doesn't matter if you or your husband or wife live in Sutton Coldfield, our approachable family law team will abe able to set the proceedings in motion anywhere in England and Wales.


Our experienced divorce solicitors will usually offer mediation to our clients before making a more formal application to the courts.  Before things are finalised, a court will generally want to satisfy themselves that the marriage is over.


Divorce is always more difficult when there are children involved and our dedicated Birmingham lawyers will always endeavour to draft access arrangements which suit both parties.


In the event of access disputes or financial battles, we will support you right through to the courts but we like to think of our Sutton Coldfield experts as fair and where possible we avoid costly court appearances.


Whether your divorce will be amicable and straightforward, or acrimonious, you need to take the advice of a skilled family law solicitor as soon as it becomes clear you need to take action.


Divorce is by no means the easy solution and you will have to prove the following grounds to the courts;


 Your husband or wife has committed adultery and you are no longer able to stay together

 You are suffering domestic violence

 You have been separated for two years or more

 Desertion, your partner has left you for a period of two years of more

 If you have been separated for more than five years


If you need advice about your divorce case, our supportive lawyers are here for you on 0345 603 0708 or email us in confidence via and we'll discuss the process and the costs to Divorce.




Divorce Solicitors

Sutton Coldfield

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