Birmingham Road Accident Solicitors

Careless Drivers... Poor Road Conditions... Have you been in a Road Traffic Accident?


Road Traffic Accidents are the most common type of personal injury. If you've suffered an injury due to a road accident in the last 3 years, and the accident wasn't your fault, you're entitled to make a claim.


Active Legal, Birmingham's compensation solicitors, are experienced in road traffic accidents and we deal with a significant number of Road Traffic Accident claims each year. We've acted for many accident victims throughout Birmingham, helping them successfully claim compensation for their injuries.


Typically we act for; 



 Passengers (of either the car hit or the car responsible for the accident)





For free advice and to see whether you're entitled to compensation contact expert compensation solicitors today!



Accident and Compensation Solicitors

Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham
Tel; 0345 603 0708

Get in touch with your query or requirements
Jon Hilton
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Accident Solicitors

Aren't all Injury Solicitors the same ? No.


We specialise in Injury Claims such as Road Traffic Injuries, Slips & Trips, Industrial Diseases and Deafness claims... Additionally we have vibrant Employment, Family, Probate & Litigation departments.


Think Accident... Think Us !

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Wednesbury Accident Solicitors
Birmingham Personal Injury Claims
Bloxwich Accident Solicitors

0345 603 0798