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Transgender woman has over 100 black market injections to achieve 60 inch derriere

Tatiana Williams, a transgender woman, 42 has spent over £60,000 on illegal black market injections to achieve her perfect, curvy, figure.


Despite knowing friends who have died from similar operations, Tatiana has had extensive surgery to fill her bottom with 8lb of silicone. She went from a 25 inch bum, before the operation, to a massive 60 inches after surgery.


Ms Williams told Daily Mail online readers she was once hospitalised for two weeks when a backstreet surgeon managed to puncture her lung with a needle during breast enlargement surgery but this didn't stop her from continuing with other operations.


Tatiania, born as Cory Williams has always received support from her family and first began her transition with hormone therapy to develop her breasts and hips to accomplish a more feminine appearance.


She said, 'I've had countless surgeries. I got my injections done by three people. I won't say their names, but I went to Guadalajara in Mexico for some procedures and the rest were done here in Miami, Florida.


Plastic surgeon Dr Constantino Mendieta, said that she has been very fortunate not to have suffered any medical complications as a result of her surgeries.


Although, Ms Williams hasn't had any medical complications so far, it is advised never to use these injections in your body.


If you have had adverse reactions from a cosmetic surgery treatment, don't hesitate to contact our claims solicitors on 021 355 4700 or email and our team will reply to you as soon as possible.



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