Birmingham Accident Solicitors

Please hover your mouse over the relevant part of the body to see a brief overview of the amounts clients have previously claimed.

Ankle Injuries Leg Injuries Knee Injuries Hip Injuries Back Injuries Elbow Injuries Hand Injuries Arm Injuries Wrist Injuries Shoulder Injuries Neck Injuries Head Injuries


Not all lawyers are the same.


Our compensation solicitors specialize in Personal Injury Claims and that gives us a greater incite into the various, specialist, compensation claims.


The above figures are not an exhaustive list. They serve to show the range of accident claims made in the past.


Whether you are in Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham or anywhere in England or Wales we'd suggest you call us, email us or complete the form on the right and we'll call you to discuss your specific situation. 


Think accident lawyers... think Active Legal!



Personal Injury Lawyers


Tel; 0345 603 0708


Start your claim You can start your claim by filling in the form below or by calling us on 0345 603 0798.

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Jon Hilton
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Accident Solicitors

Aren't all Injury Solicitors the same ? No.


We specialise in Injury Claims such as Road Traffic Injuries, Slips & Trips, Industrial Diseases and Deafness claims... Additionally we have vibrant Employment, Family, Probate & Litigation departments.


Think Accident... Think Us !

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Sutton Coldfield Litigation Solicitors
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0345 603 0798