Birmingham Injury Law Firm

If you have been injured in an accident where somebody else was to blame, you may be eligible for compensation. And at that point you might need a firm of Birminghan Injury Solicitors to help. 
It's true that a compensation payout can not undo the stress and turmoil you have already endured, but it can help pay for specialist treatment as you recuperate. 
At the same time it's also true that unless individuals report instances where they have sustained injuries, then in some situations other people are destined to fall victim to similar accidents. This may be the case in situations where local authorities have failed to fill potholes.
We tend to find that soon as an injury is reported the Local Authority will take action to prevent anyone else being hurt. This is simply one example.
Whether you have contracted food poisoning on holiday, tripped in a public place, or sustained whiplash in a car accident, our specialist Birminghan injury solicitors will represent you on a 'no win, no fee' basis.
In general terms we can assist with; 
 Accidents abroad
 Accidents at work
Medical negligence
Road traffic accidents
Slips, trips and falls
Our compensation team will assess your case in detail to determine who was responsible for your injury and to secure as much compensation as possible on your behalf.
In the first instance please call our Birmingham team on 0121 355 4700 or complete the form and we'll call you back. 

Birmingham Injury Solicitors

Tel: 0345 603 0708

Get in touch with your query or requirements
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Jon Hilton

Accident Solicitors

Aren't all Injury Solicitors the same ? No.


We specialise in Injury Claims such as Road Traffic Injuries, Slips & Trips, Industrial Diseases and Deafness claims... Additionally we have vibrant Employment, Family, Probate & Litigation departments.


Think Accident... Think Us !

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Birmingham Asbestos Solicitors
Bloxwich Injury Solicitors

0345 603 0798