Cheshire Police Car

Crime in Cheshire Down by 3.9 Percent

Crime in Cheshire has fallen by 3.9 percent according to the latest figures released by the Office for National Statistics for crime in England and Wales.

The statistics, which were released by the ONS on the 23rd April 2015, recorded Cheshire's sixth largest fall in crime with more than 2,000 fewer criminal victims and offences of theft, robbery, burglary and shoplifting all on the decline.

Additionally, Operation Shield was set up in March in an effort to tackle burglary carried out by criminals using a DNA liquid to mark homes and business and Chief Constable Simon Byrne and the Police and Crime Commissioner John Dwyer launched their 'We're Here' commitments.

Mr Dwyer, a former Crewe and Nantwich Borough Councillor, said:

"The Constabulary is performing well, it is doing more to tackle the crimes the public tell me matter to them most and they wanted the police to do more about.

"The 3.9% fall in crime is a stark figure but it actually means 2,171 fewer victims of crime."

The figures also highlighted an increase in sexual offences but Cheshire Police claim this shows an increasing confidence among victims to report these types of crimes.

If you are looking to buy or sell a house in Cheshire, contact our conveyancing solicitors on 0161 928 5558 for advice.

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