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Body builder faces prison for false compensation claim

Sean Murphy, a bodybuilder from Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire, sued Wye Valley NHS Trust, claiming that a surgical mistake left him unable to participate in sports, work, or even dress himself.


He alleged that an operation to repair a torn bicep tendon caused damage to his elbow, resulting in a nerve injury that severely impacted his daily life. Murphy claimed that his grip strength was significantly reduced, and he could only lift as much as an empty kettle.


However, his £580,000 damages claim was dropped last year after the NHS received a tip-off that he was lying. Photos and videos on Facebook showed Murphy playing rugby and lifting heavy weights at the gym, contradicting his claims of incapacitation. The evidence suggested that he had been back playing rugby and training at the gym shortly after his surgery.


In October, during a trial at the High Court, Judge James Healy-Pratt dismissed Murphy's claim, calling it "fundamentally dishonest." He viewed the online evidence and concluded that the claims were false. The judge ordered Murphy to pay back £50,000 that the NHS had already paid out before the trial, as well as court costs, amounting to more than £100,000.


Now, NHS lawyers have begun High Court proceedings to have Murphy committed to prison for contempt of court. Judge Martin Picton granted permission for the contempt of court proceedings to proceed, stating that there was a "very strong" case that Murphy had deliberately lied to boost his "grossly exaggerated" damages claim.


The case will proceed to a full hearing at a later date, and Murphy could face consequences, including a potential prison sentence.



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