Stockport Slips & Trip Solicitors

Anyone can suffer an injury from a slip, trip or fall.


The question is under what circumstances the accident happened and whether someone else was to blame.


In the event of a slip or trip in a building, which is open to the public, we may be able to claim against the occupiers Public Liability Insurance. Such places include;





 Swimming Pools 


To pursue a compensation claim you should report the injury to the staff and ensure a report is filed in the Accident Book and obtain the names of witnesses. Photographs would be very helpful, too. 


Additionally if you injured yourself on council owned property or public footpaths then we can potentially make a claim against the local authority for failing to maintain their land to a reasonable standard. Please take pictures where possible. 


If a slip, trip or fall happened at work we can claim against your employers insurance if the accident happened as the result of tripping over cables that have been strewn across the floor. Or similar.   


In terms of recovering your expenses we'd suggest you retain all your prescription receipts, travelling expenses and any rehabilitation costs.


To discuss matters further please either call our Stockport team on 0845 603 0708, email or complete the form on the right and we'll call you back.





Slip & Trip Solicitors

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Stockport Injury Compensation

Stockport Solicitors

We are Personal Injury and Accidents Solicitors representing clients throughout Stockport, Manchester and nationwide. 


Whiplash, Slips & Trips, Sports Injuries, Product Claims, Accidents at Work.


Don't delay, call today !

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