Manchester Slip and Trip Solicitors

Compensation For Bar Fall Businessman

A businessman who suffered horrific brain damage after falling down stairs at a Manchester city centre bar has successfully sued the venue for compensation.


The incident happened when the 50-year-old was enjoying a night out with former work colleagues at Pulse Bar, in June 2011.


He was leaving the first floor area when he fell headlong down a flight of stairs leading to the street outside.


The man suffered brain injuries so severe he is now no longer capable of looking after himself. Judge Richard Pearce, at London's High Court, ordered that the man is so vulnerable he must not be identified in reports of the case.


Although the size of his payout has not yet been calculated, the fact that he will need care and support for the rest of his life means the award may run into millions.


Rejecting claims that the man was drunk and incapable when he fell, the judge drew attention to evidence provided by the friends who were with him that he was "essentially normal" and "not visibly affected by his drinking."


The judge ruled that the stairs were not fitted with a "visible and identifiable handrail" as recommended by building regulations. He added:


"I reject the allegation that he contributed to the accident through his own blameworthy conduct. I therefore conclude that he should recover damages in full for the injuries sustained in the accident."


If you have been injured and believe that somebody else was to blame, you may be owed compensation. Call our personal injury team on 0845 603 0708 for more information



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